24 year old Step daughter and being respectful...


PF Regular
Nov 26, 2007
My parents visited last weekend and my step daughter really bonded with my mom and dad, especially my dad, calling her grand ma and then letting her know that she was going to buy a plane ticket to see my mom for her birthday in December.

A few nights later, me and her mom had a big blow up fight and she got the 24 year old and the 26 year old involved. Even at the time of the fight, I told them I was making things worse by fighting back and took ownership, even though to be honest I think it was a group effort, but better to make peace.

Then the next day my mom texted her and me about the ticket and my step daughter ignored her. My mom tried to initiate another conversation and was once again ignored. This was after a weekend where they were very close.

I told my mom what happened and that I apologize for my step daughter's behavior. My mom was very understanding and said things will most likely cool off.

I am pretty upset at her right now for just ignoring and blowing my mom off like that. My mom was even reserving time off to see if she is coming. Do I confront my step daughter and say look even of you are mad at me you don't take it out on other people?


PF Enthusiast
May 28, 2016
Yes, you talk with 24 about her behavior.

The whole thing sounds rather adolescent, and the best thing to do when adults act like children is to gently remind them that they are, in fact, adults..and that there are certain expectations involved with that...like other, totally innocent adults (like your mom) are reasonably expected to be treated like adults.